Curriculum Overview
All Year 9 and 10 students cover the essential learning areas described in the New Zealand Curriculum - English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and Health, Digital Technology, The Arts, and Technology.
Karamū High School offers and encourages students to study either Te Reo Māori or Japanese.
Year 9 and 10 students select from a range of options offered from The Arts, Technology, Business and Languages.
Year 9 Courses
Students study the compolsory courses: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Health and Digital Technology
Students select eight one term options courses that must include:-
- At least two Arts courses
- At least two Technology courses
- Japanese and Te Reo Māori are optional but encouraged
- Business Studies and/or additional Arts and/or Technology courses
The Year 9 Course Booklet contains details of each course
Year 10 Courses
Students study the five core courses: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and Health
Students select four half year option courses:
- At least one Arts course
- At least one Technology course
- Japanese and Te Reo Māori are optional but encouraged
- Business Studies, and /or additional Arts and/or Technology courses
The Year 10 Course Booklet contains details of each course
NCEA Level One Courses
English, Mathematics and Science are compulsory. Students choose three other courses.
Students should choose courses that:-
- interest them
- allow them to gain NCEA Level One
- allow for a smooth progression to NCEA Level Two and Three
- allow for a variety of career pathways
The Senior Course Booklet contains details of each course. Deans will help students select the most appropriate course.
NCEA Level Two Courses
NCEA Level Two students choose English and five other courses.
The Senior Course Booklet contains course details and also pre-requisites for entry to studying at NCEA Level Two.
Senior Course Booklet
All Year 12 students will have course interviews after they receive their NCEA Level One results.
NCEA Level Three Courses
NCEA Level Three students choose any five courses. More details are available in the Senior Course Booklet.
Many students use this year to gain entry to University or other Tertiary Institutions. It is important to check entry criteria before choosing Level Three courses. Students who wish to obtain entry to a University also require University Entrance.